Exams start tomorrow and that means it is time to prepare. Here are a few tips on how to make sure you have everything you need for exams.
What to bring to an exam:
- Your student card – there is a €25 fine if you do not have this on you for each exam
- Pens – black or blue – and have back-ups just in case one runs out, better to have too many than one dodgy pen
- Water, you need to stay hydrated especially in long exams
- A watch if you have one – there will be a clock visible but sometimes it is easier to have your watch on to keep yourself aware of timing
- Since it is winter and Ireland have warm clothes, wear layers in case you feel too warm/cold that way you can take a layer off/add one when necessary
What not to bring to an exam:
- Mobile Phone – if you are found with a phone it will be confiscated and you can collect it from the invigilator after the exam has ended. A €20 fine applies
- Writing of any kind on one’s person
- Annotations (explanatory notes) on permitted material, e.g. Law Acts
- Calculator covers/ annotations on back of calculators
- Pencil Cases/glasses cases
- Handbags
- iPods or other electronics
- Valuables e.g. laptops
- Notes or books
What to do before your exams begin:
- Check your personal exam timetable online (nuigalway.ie/exams)
- If exams are missing from your timetable contact the Student Information Desk
- Check the website regularly to ensure you have the latest exam details – amendments to the timetable will only be available on the website, your personal timetable will not be updated
- Check the details of your exams (venue/time) and make sure you know where the venue is
- Be at the exam venue 20 minutes before the start of the exam
- Relax – you have the work done, stressing is not going to help you in any way so just take a breath when you sit at your desk and have a moment to calm yourself. Best of luck!
-By Shelly Hannigan